On the occasion of 100th anniversary of V.F. Gaidukevitch.
Articles |
Molev Е.А. Viktor Frantzevich Gaidukevitch in my Life |
3-8 |
Buiskikh A.V. On the Problem of Decorative Completion of the Altars in Late Archaic Period from Pantikapaion |
9-18 |
Zin’kо V.N. Settlements Dating back to the 6th Century ВС on the European Coast of the Bosporus Cimmerian |
19-26 |
Khrapunov I.N. Ethnic History of the Tauri |
27-61 |
Vinokurov N.I. Natural Conditions for the Development of Viticulture and Winemaking in the Northern Black Sea Coast |
62-89 |
Skrshinskaya M.V. Principal Aspects of Ancient Greek Festivals and their Substantiation through Bosporus Archaeological Findings |
90-108 |
Rusyaeva A.S. Demeter Sanctuary on Hippolaos Cape |
109-126 |
Krapivina V.V. The Board of Agoranomoi in Olbia |
127-141 |
Zhuravlev D.V. Trick Cup from Myrmekeion |
142-159 |
Zubar V.M. On Semantics of a Group of Funeral Inventory in Necropolis of Chersonesos Dating to the Hellenistic Period |
160-176 |
Rusyaeva M.V. Gravestone of Theophantos, Son of Apemantos, from Tauric Chersonesos |
177-185 |
Ponomarev D.Yu. Peculiarities of Palaeo-Botanical Research of Anthropological Materials from the Necropolises in Coastal Regions (on the Example of Azov – Black Sea Basin) |
186-195 |
Nezabitovskaya B. Rectangular Mirrors and Mirrors with Perforation from Sarmatian Burials – Roman Import or Bosporus Imitations |
196-262 |
Stoyanova A.A. Beads and Pendants from the Cemetery of Neizatz |
263-319 |
Sorochan S.B. The Eye and Shield of the Empire. Chersonesos by the End of the Rule by Justinian I and his Nearest Successors |
320-361 |
Tortika A.A. Kimmerian Bospor in Khazar times according to Arab-Persian and Khazar-Jewish authors |
362-387 |
Bubenok O.B. On the Mongolian Presence in Bosporus in 1222-1223 and 1238-1239 AD |
388-395 |
Mavrina O.S. Crimean Khanate and Ottoman Province Kefe in the System of the Black Sea Trade at the End of the 15th Century |
396-404 |
Publications |
Molev E.A. Fragments of Glass Vessels from the Excavations in Kytaia |
405-421 |
Kostromichev D.A. Metal Wares from the Excavations of the Ash Pit Dating to the Roman Period in Kerch |
422-433 |
Gavrilov A.V. The Complex of Storage Amphorae and Pottery from Fortified Site Sary Kaya near Theodosia |
434-444 |
Ponomarev L.Yu. Bi-ritual Saltovo Mayak Cemetery Near the Village of Eltigen |
445-475 |
History of Science | |
Nepomniashchy A.A. A.L. Berthier-Delagarde: Bibliographic Studies |
476-494 |
Museum Collection |
Wasowicz A. Niobides en stuc provenant de Kertch dans les musees polonais |
495-502 |
Bykovskaya N.B. Precious Metal Artifacts Collection of Kerch Museum of Antiquities |
503-512 |
Photos to article |
513-528 |
Matkovskaya T.A. Decorative Sculpture from Kerch Lapidarium |
529-537 |