Submission Guideline
We publish materials in Russia, and English. The manuscript should be submitted in identical electronic and paper versions. The electronic version should be supplied at electronic media or send by email to: The paper version, in one copy, is to be printed out in A4 paper, with a laser printer, as a full article including appendices and illustrations. The manuscript should be checked, dated, and signed by the author(s). The manuscript should be handed over or mailed to the History and Archaeology of the Crimea Research Centre, 2 Akademika Vernadskogo Ave, Simferopol, 295007, Republic of the Crimea.
Manuscript Style Guide
- Electronic version of the manuscript should be styled as Microsoft Word for Windows document (*.doc file), font Times New Roman, single-spacing, 12 font size of the main text body and 10 font size for foot notes.
- The manuscript should include: the author(s) family name(s) and initials, in Russian and Latinised versions; the article title in Russian and English versions; the main body of the article; bibliographic list in original language and in Latinised form; summary, presented, in brief form, the article’s main points and conclusions, in Russian and English, 500 symbols maximum; keywords (5-7) in Russian and English; list of abbreviations used in the text and all the appendices; list of illustrations (if any); author’s or authors’ data in Russian and English, including family and first names, academic degree, academic title, full official title of the institution the author is affiliated with, its address, author’s position, contact email and phone number.
- Latinization of Cyrillic text should be made according to the Library of Congress and American Library Association style (LC Style). We recommend Internet Latinisation service available at: (вариант LC).
- Foreign personal names, toponyms, and terms are styled according to the article language. The author can add original personal or geographic name in parentheses.
- Bibliographic references are added in square brackets as semicode: the author’s name, comma, publication year, comma, lower case letter “p.” (for German articles, “S.”) and page number(s) after a space, for example: [Айбабин, 1999, с. 35–48].
- References to illustrations cited in the article are in parentheses, with abbreviation “fig.” or “pl.” and the number after a space, for example: (fig. 1), (pl. I). The second-order number within a figure or a plate is indicated after comma, with no space, for example: (fig. 1,3-5; 3,9,12; 11,а–с), (pl. I,5).
- If the author is not able to submit the Russian summary, the author should list all the special terms, personal and geographic names used in the English summary in Russian or their spelling in Cyrillics.
- Greek words and phrases should be typed with special symbols of the Times New Roman font.
- We recommend to use Athena or Athena Ruby fonts for legends of coins, seals, etc. In case the author of the paper uses Greek fonts that are not included into standard Windows package, the author is obliged to submit these fonts to the editors together with other materials.
List of Bibliography Style Guide
The numbered list of cited bibliography, in alphabetical order, in original language, is to be placed following the article text under the heading “СПИСОК ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ” (“LIST OF CITED LITERATURE”). Works of the same author are to be listed in chronological order. First come works in Cyrillic and then those in Latin, according to the following examples:
– Monograph: Author’s or authors’ family name(s) and initials. Title of the publication. Place where published: publisher, publication year. Total number of pages. For example:
Айбабин А.И. Этническая история ранневизантийского Крыма. Симферополь: ДАР, 1999. 352 с.
Mathews T.F. The Early Churches of Constantinople: Architecture and Liturgy. 3rd printing. London: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1980. 194 p.
– Monograph with no author indicated, but having a reference to the publisher, editor(s), or translator(s): Title of the volume / Initials and family name or names of the publisher(s), translator(s), or editor(s). Place where published: publisher, publication year. Total number of pages. For example:
Культура Византии. Вторая половина IV – первая половина VII вв. / Под ред. З.В. Удальцовой. М.: Наука, 1984. 728 с.
In non-Russian sources, the editors are to be indicated prior to the title of the work, with the mark “(Ed.)” or “(Eds.).” For example:
Mango C. (Ed.). The Oxford History of Byzantium. Oxford University Press, 2002. 376 p.
– Publication in a volume of collected articles: Author’s or authors’ family name(s) and initials. Title of the publication // Title of the volume / Initials and family name or names of the publisher(s) or editor(s). Place where published: publisher, publication year. Pages. For example:
Паршина Е.А. Средневековая керамика Южной Таврики (по материалам раскопок и разведок 1965-1969 гг.) // Феодальная Таврика. Материалы по истории и археологии Крыма / под ред. С.Н. Бибикова. Киев: Наукова думка, 1974. С. 56-94.
Молев Е.А. Термин «Боспор» у Диодора // Античный мир. Византия: К 70-летию профессора В. И. Кадеева. Харьков: Бизнес Информ, 1997. С. 141-146.
Foerster G. The Synagogues at Masada and Herodium // Levine L.L. (Ed.). Ancient Synagogues Revealed. Jerusalem: The Israel Exploration Society, 1981. P. 24-29.
– Publication in a periodical: Author’s or authors’ family name(s) and initials. Title of the publication // Title of the volume. Publication year. Abbreviated indication of the “number” (No.; Вып.) or “volume” (Vol.; Т.), numeral. Pages. For example:
Попова О.С. Образ Христа в византийском искусстве V-XIV вв. // ВВ. 2001. Т. 60(85). С. 159-173.
Pülz A. Ephesos als christliches Pilgerzentrum // Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archäologie. 2010. Band 16. S. 71-102.
– Proceedings of a conference. For example:
Виноградов Ю.А. О хронологии некрополя Боспорской аристократии Юз-Оба // XV Боспорские чтения. Боспор Кимерийский и варварский мир в период античности и средневековья. Актуальные проблемы хронологии: материалы международной научной конференции / Ред.-сост. В.Н. Зинько, Е.А. Зинько. Керчь, 2014. С. 82-87.
– Dissertation or thesis of dissertation: Author’s family name and initials. Title of the work: Thesis of doctoral diss. (Автореф. дис. … д-ра (канд.) ист. Наук). Place, date. Pages. Fop example:
Застрожнова Е.Г. История археологического изучения Фанагории (конец XVIII в. – 1940 г.): Автореф. дис. … канд. ист. наук. Санкт-Петербург, 2013. 28 с.
– archival document (Russian): Author’s family name and initials. Title of the document (if any) // Title of the archive. Fund number (Ф.). Inventory number (Оп.). Volume number (Т.). File (Д.). Collection unit (Ед. хр.). Document leaf (Л.). For example:
Бабенчиков В.П. Отчет о раскопках средневекового поселения у с. Планерское, б. Коктебель в 1951 г. // Архив ИА РАН. Ф. Р-1. Д. 617. Л. 3-23.
ГАРК. Ф. 315. Оп. 3. Д. 9. Л. 15-47.
– Electronic recourse. The sources published in Russian use the following elements: Author’s family name and initials. Publication title [Electronic resource] // Edition title. URL, (date of access: …). For example:
Белоус Н.А. Прагматическая реализация коммуникативных стратегий в конфликтном дискурсе [Электронный ресурс] // Мир лингвистики и коммуникации: электрон. научн. журн. 2006. N 4. URL: (дата обращения: 15.12.2007).
Electronic publications having Digital Object Identifier (DOI) should be styled the same as printed materials, with DOI mentioned in the end (no full stop and no URL after DOI). For example:
D’Addato A.V. Secular trends in twinning rates // Journal of Biosocial Science. 2007. Vol. 39 (1). P. 147–151. doi:10.1017/s0021932006001337
Latinisation of bibliographic list
Bibliographic list with Latinised Cyrillic names, in full and with the same numbering, should be placed after the original bibliographic list, headed as “REFERENCES.” Bibliographic description standard is to be changed for every entry (titles of monographs, collected articles, and periodicals is italicized, single or double slash [/ or //] is not allowed, etc.). Latinisation of Cyrillic titles should follow the Library of Congress system (see above). However, traditional forms of Latinized personal and geographic names should be kept.
Latinized references list should be styled as follows:
– Monograph:
Aibabin A.I. Etnicheskaia istoriia rannevizantiiskogo Kryma. Simferopol’, DAR Publ., 1999, 352 p.
Mathews T.F. The Early Churches of Constantinople: Architecture and Liturgy. London, The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1980, 194 p.
– Monograph with no author indicated, but having a reference to the publisher, editor(s), or translator(s):
Udal’tsova Z.V. (Ed.). Kul’tura Vizantii. Vtoraia polovina IV – pervaia polovina VII vv. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1984, 728 p.
Mango C. (Ed.). The Oxford History of Byzantium. Oxford University Press, 2002, 376 p.
– Publication in a volume of collected articles:
Parshina E.A. Srednevekovaia keramika Iuzhnoi Tavriki (po materialam raskopok i razvedok 1965-1969 gg.). Bibikova S.N. (Ed.). Feodal’naia Tavrika. Materialy po istorii i arkheologii Kryma. Kiev, Naukova dumka Publ., 1974, рр. 56-94.
Molev E.A. Termin «Bospor» u Diodora. Antichnyi mir. Vizantiia: K 70-letiiu professora V. I. Kadeeva. Khar’kov, Biznes Inform Publ., 1997, pp. 141-146.
Foerster G. The Synagogues at Masada and Herodium. Levine L.L. (Ed.). Ancient Synagogues Revealed. Jerusalem, The Israel Exploration Society, 1981, pp. 24-29.
– Publication in a periodical:
Popova O.S. Obraz Khrista v vizantiiskom iskusstve V-XIV vv. Vizantiyskiy vremennik, 2001, vol. 60 (85), pp. 159-173.
Pülz A. Ephesos als Christliches Pilgerzentrum. Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archäologie, 2010, Band 16, S. 71-102.
– Proceedings of a conference:
Vinogradov Iu.A. O khronologii nekropolia Bosporskoi aristokratii Iuz-Oba. Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii “XV Bosporskie chteniia. Bospor Kimeriyskii i varvarskii mir v period antichnosti i srednevekov’ia. Aktual’nye problemy khronologii”. Kerch’, 2014, pp. 82-87.
– Dissertation or thesis of dissertation:
Zastrozhnova E.G. Istoriia arkheologicheskogo izucheniia Fanagorii (konets XVIII v. – 1940 g.). Abstract of kandidat. diss. St. Petersburg, 2013, 28 p.
– Archival document (with full transliteration of the title of the archival storage):
Babenchikov V.P. Otchet o raskopkakh srednevekovogo poseleniia u s. Planerskoe, b. Koktebel’ v 1951 g. Arkhiv Instituta arkheologii Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. F. R-1. D. 617. L. 3-23.
Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv v Respublike Krym. F. 315. Op. 3. D. 9. L. 15-47.
– Electronic resource:
Belous N.A. Pragmaticheskaia realizatsiia kommunikativnykh strategii v konfliktnom diskurse. Mir lingvistiki i kommunikatsii: elektronnyi nauchnyi zhurnal, 2006, N 4. Available at: (accessed: 15.12.2007).
Kondrat’ev V.B. Global’naia farmatsevticheskaia promyshlennost’. Available at: (accessed: 23.06.2013).
Style of Illustrations
In case of the article is supplied with illustrations, enumerated list of all illustrations, compiled in Microsoft Word, with Times New Roman font, should be added after REFERENCES. Illustrations (drawings, photographs, and plates) should have good quality, providing clear image, not bigger than 14х17 cm. Illustrations should be supplied in printed and electronic versions with resolution 600 dpi and file format *.tiff. Illustration must not be inserted into the text file. Caption to every illustration should have a note, in square bracket, to the source of its origin, included to the general bibliographic list. References to archive or museum collection should be in parentheses. Examples: Fig. 2. Ground plan of the large cult complex at Tepsen Plateau [from: 12, fig. 4]. Fig. 3. М. М. Kazas wearing turban (photo from the collection of the Simferopol Art History Museum).
All the materials submitted for publications pass through obligatory reviewing. The editorial board’s decision to publish materials takes into account the reviewers’ recommendations. Following the reviewing, the article may be returned to the author for reworking. The editorial board sends to the authors either copies of reviews or motivated refusal. Not accepted manuscripts and materials are not returnable.